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Create a new metrics account



Please ensure to change the region in the URL to match your account's region.



    email stringrequired

    Email address of the account owner

    accountName string

    Name of metrics account to be created. If empty, the default name <owner_account_name>_metrics is used.

    planUts integer

    Usage plan for Unique Time Series (UTS). UTS defines the number of unique time series an account is allowed to have. If usage exceeds the plan, exceeding data points will not be processed.

    authorizedAccountsIds integer[]

    IDs of authorized accounts



    id integer

    ID of the created metrics account

    accountName string

    Name of metrics account.

    token string

    Metrics account token

    createdAt date-time

    Timestamp of account creation

    planUts integer

    Usage plan for Unique Time Series (UTS). UTS defines the number of unique time series an account is allowed to have. If usage exceeds the plan, exceeding data points will not be processed.

    authorizedAccountsIds integer[]

    IDs of authorized accounts
