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Evaluates an expression query over a range of time using POST



Submit query data in the request body using URL-encoded form parameters. Please ensure to change the region in the URL to match your account's region.



    query stringrequired

    Prometheus expression query string.

    start stringrequired

    Start timestamp, inclusive, as an RFC3339 or Unix timestamp.

    end stringrequired

    End timestamp, inclusive, as an RFC3339 or Unix timestamp.

    step stringrequired

    Query resolution step width in seconds.

    timeout string

    Evaluation timeout. Optional, defaults to the value of the -query.timeout flag.


Successful range query evaluation.

    status string

    Status of the query (e.g., success, fail).

    data object
    resultType string

    Possible values: [matrix]

    Type of the result.

    result object[]
  • Array [
  • metric objectrequired

    Labels identifying the metric.

    property name* string
    values array[]required

    Possible values: >= 2, <= 2

    A list of [timestamp, value] pairs returned by the query.

  • ]