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Return a list of all alerts



Returns a list of all alerts. Please ensure to change the region in the URL to match your account's region.


Query Parameters

    panelId integer
    dashboardUid integer


successful query

    annotations object

    Annotations for the dashboard

    runbook_url string

    URL to the runbook

    condition string


    data object[]

    Response wrapper for the data retrieved

  • Array [
  • datasourceUid string

    Grafana data source unique identifier

    model object

    JSON is the raw JSON query and includes the model properties as well as custom properties.

    conditions object[]
  • Array [
  • evaluator object
    params int32[]
    type string
    operator object
    type string
    query object
    params undefined[]
    reducer object
    params undefined[]
    type string
    type string
  • ]
  • datasource object
    type string
    uid string
    expression string
    hide boolean
    intervalMs int32
    maxDataPoints int32
    refId string
    type string
    queryType string

    Optional identifier for the type of query

    refId string

    Unique identifier of the query, set by the frontend call.

    relativeTimeRange object

    Per query start and end time for requests

    from int32
    to int32
  • ]
  • execErrState string
    folderUID string

    The unique identifier (uid) of a folder to search in for dashboards. You cannot use General folder or the folder generated by - Dashboards - to place your alerts.

    for string
    id int32
    labels object
    team string
    noDataState string
    orgID int32
    provenance string
    ruleGroup string
    title string
    uid string
    updated string