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Return a list of all alerts by UID



Returns a list of all alerts by a UID. Please ensure to change the region in the URL to match your account's region.


Path Parameters

    UID stringrequired


successful query

    annotations object
    runbook_url string
    condition string
    data object[]
  • Array [
  • datasourceUid string
    model object
    conditions object[]
  • Array [
  • evaluator object
    params int32[]
    type string
    operator object
    type string
    query object
    params undefined[]
    reducer object
    params undefined[]
    type string
    type string
  • ]
  • datasource object
    type string
    uid string
    expression string
    hide boolean
    intervalMs int32
    maxDataPoints int32
    refId string
    type string
    queryType string
    refId string
    relativeTimeRange object
    from int32
    to int32
  • ]
  • execErrState string
    folderUID string

    The unique identifier (uid) of a folder to search in for dashboards. You cannot use General folder or the folder generated by - Dashboards - to place your alerts.

    for string
    id int32
    labels object
    team string
    noDataState string
    orgID int32
    provenance string
    ruleGroup string
    title string
    uid string
    updated string