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Create a snapshot



Creates a snapshot.
Please ensure to change the region in the URL to match your account's region.



    dashboard object

    The complete dashboard model.

    name string

    Snapshot name.

    expires integer

    When the snapshot should expire in seconds. 3600 is 1 hour, 86400 is 1 day. Default is never to expire.

    external boolean

    Save the snapshot on an external server rather than locally. Default is false.

    key string

    Define the unique key. Required if external is true.

    deleteKey string

    Unique key used to delete the snapshot. It is different from the key so that only the creator can delete the snapshot. Required if external is true.


successful query

    deleteKey string

    Unique key used to delete the snapshot. It is different from the key so that only the creator can delete the snapshot. Required if external is true.

    deleteUrl string

    Delete url.

    key string

    Unique key.

    url string


    id integer

