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Create a snapshot



Creates a new Kibana snapshot and shares with recipients through email or notification endpoint



    snapshotType stringrequired

    Possible values: [DASHBOARD, VISUALIZATION]

    The object type to share

    snapshotSavedObjectId stringrequired

    ID of the object to share. If you don't know the object ID, you can use the /kibana/export endpoint.

    slackWebhookUrls string[]

    URLs of Slack webhooks that you want to send this snapshot to.
    At least one of emails, slackWebhookUrls, and endpoints is required with each request. If all three are missing, the request will fail.

    endpoints int32[]

    IDs of notification endpoints that you want to send this snapshot to
    At least one of emails, slackWebhookUrls, and endpoints is required with each request. If all three are missing, the request will fail.

    emails string[]

    Email addresses that you want to send this snapshot to
    At least one of emails, slackWebhookUrls, and endpoints is required with each request. If all three are missing, the request will fail.

    message string

    Message to send to the shared object recipients

    timeFrameFrom int64required

    Starting timedate of the visualization, as a Unix epoch integer.

    timeFrameTo int64required

    Ending timedate of the visualization, as a Unix epoch integer.

    snapshotTimeZone stringrequired

    Time zone to use in timeFrameFrom and timeFrameTo

    queryString string

    Search query

    darkTheme boolean

    To send the object with Kibana dark theme colors, true. Otherwise, false.


successful operation

    snapshotId int32

    ID of the snapshot
