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Get dashboard by uid



Will return the dashboard given the dashboard unique identifier (uid). Information about the unique identifier of a folder containing the requested dashboard might be found in the metadata. Please ensure to change the region in the URL to match your account's region.


Path Parameters

    uid stringrequired



    dashboard object

    The complete dashboard model, id = null to create a new dashboard.

    id integer

    Set id = null to create a new dashboard.

    uid integer

    Optional unique identifier when creating a dashboard, id = null will generate a new uid.

    title string

    Dashboard title.

    tags string[]

    Dashboard tags.

    timezone string


    schemaVersion integer

    Schema version.

    version integer

    Dashboard version.

    meta object

    Information about the unique identifier of a folder containing the requested dashboard.

    isStarred boolean

    Whether the dashboard is starred.

    url string

    Dashboard url.

    folderId integer

    Dashboard folder id.

    folderUid string

    The unique identifier (uid) of a folder to search in for dashboards. You cannot use General folder or the folder generated by - Dashboards - to place your alerts.

    slug string

    Dashboard slug.
